Health & Safety

Safety, First. Last. Always.

WesTower’s comprehensive Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) policies not only ensure safe practices in the workplace, but they also protect everyone and ensure each and every person goes home safe to their family at the end of the day.

HSE Expectations & Training

As a founding member of the Structure, Tower and Antenna Council (STAC), WesTower encourages and nurtures the constant evolution of our industry’s Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) practices and promotes a culture where our employees and subcontractors continually and actively assess the safety of how we work. This includes ongoing HSE training so that everyone goes home safe to their families every day.

Learn more about STAC

It is the nature of our work on towers that our technicians may sometimes be up in the air at significant heights. A fall could also be one of the most catastrophic injuries that could occur in our industry. WesTower ensures that any employee who will be working on towers has the proper training in techniques and equipment competence to prevent falls.

WesTower requires that any employee working on towers to attend a Competent Climber certification course. All tower climbers must know basic climbing risk management, pre-climb safety checks, how to use the standard ropes, knots, and anchorage equipment, and also safe climbing techniques.

Generally done in conjunction with the Competent Climber certification course, Competent Rescue training teaches self assisted, ground-based, and pick-ff style rescue techniques. In this course, employees will also learn medical considerations that they may encounter during rescues.

Our employees work near Radiofrequency (RF) radiation when they are working on tower builds, maintenance, and repairs. We ensure that they have the awareness of the potential risks, how to identify radiation hazards, and the steps they need to take to work in a safe manner.

Erecting a tower requires knowledge of proper and safe rigging techniques. Our technicians learn about the safety factors with rigging hardware and hitches, installation procedures, load limits, and hazard assessments to ensure rigging procedures meet safety guidelines.

To complete our work, WesTower sometimes uses cranes and slings. Any employees working with cranes or slings are required to have comprehensive knowledge of the best practices for operation, how to properly conduct load estimates/calculations, and how to conduct safety inspections.

Installing a gin pole is an essential part of erecting a tower safely. They are especially critical when placing an antenna on the top of the tower. All crews need to understand how they are used and how to use them safely for successful tower construction.

If there are incidents at work, every employee needs to know how to do an initial assessment, treat minor injuries, or even ensure minor injuries don’t turn into major ones until medical attention can be sought. WesTower wants to make sure that all of our employees have a base level of competence in this regard when they are on our team.

Want to know more?

We welcome questions about our HSE program at WesTower, for more information you can get in touch with us and we would be glad to provide you with the answers you need.

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